Friday, June 23, 2006

McCarthy: Media's War on the War Continues

Despite appeals from the White House and Director of Intelligence Negroponte, the NY Times and the LA Times (and others?) published a story exposing the apparatus that has successfully has allowed us to track the financial connections of terrorist. Here is Andrew McCarthy's reaction:
Yet again, the New York Times was presented with a simple choice: help protect American national security or help al Qaeda.

Yet again, it sided with al Qaeda.

Once again, members of the American intelligence community had a simple choice: remain faithful to their oath — the solemn promise the nation requires before entrusting them with the secrets on which our safety depends — or violate that oath and place themselves and their subjective notions of propriety above the law.

Once again, honor was cast aside.

For the second time in seven months, the Times has exposed classified information about a program aimed at protecting the American people against a repeat of the September 11 attacks.
The rest....

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