Monday, August 13, 2007

Stump Ridge Fire of '07

Mom just sent these pictures of Stump Ridge of the Big Horns. A good part burned off in '96 but it sounds like another lightning strike found more to burn.

Evidently the fire lines set at the top could not keep it from coming up the far side and come burning down the valley side of the ridge.

I don't believe it has burned any buildings yet. But it could threaten some if it comes low enough.

Click for larger images.

Correction, according to this Colorado report, the fire has engulfed several structures and threatens "another 100 homes and cabins" more? I didn't know there were that many up there.

One of those I do know about is our friends' place, Spahn's Bed and Breakfast, nestled right inside the timber line. As you can see from one of their pictures.

They have more images. And here is the local Sheridan Press' account.

UPDATE: Sounds like it barreled off the face into a fire break where most of it burned out. However, some got away and burned up to Spahn's, taking, it sounds like at this time, all of his out buildings but sparing his house because it was foamed.

Here are some more pictures from local photographers.

UPDATE 2: Here is a dramatic picture of the fire taking the Spahn's.

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