Monday, May 15, 2006

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Moving to USA

I don't know all the details, but apparently Ayaan Hirsi Ali (blogsite) lied to attain citizenship in the Netherlands, where she went on to become a member of Parliament and helped Theodore van Gogh make Submission (2004), the film about women in Islam that later provoked his violent murder.

At any rate, news (Michele Malkin) has it that she will be emigrating to the States to take up a position at the American Enterprise Institute this September. This is good news for us and her I think. She is one of the people I listed below as reason to hope about the moderation of Islam, especially seeing how she, a woman, was in a position of influence and power in Europe. But, alas, for our mulish allies, she will be leaving.

UPDATE (17 May): Here is her account of these developments. Among other things, she says:
I am therefore preparing to leave Holland. But the questions for our society remain. The future of Islam in our country; the subjugation of women in Islamic culture; the integration of the many Muslims in the West: it is self-deceit to imagine that these issues will disappear.

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