Friday, March 03, 2006

Andre Glucksmann

Andre Glucksmann -- an interesting find during my Dostoevsky studies. Here is a site dedicated to the French philosopher. It contains a lot of his writings, 1/4 of it is in English.

From America and Democracy:
Human rights measure our ability to resist the inhuman, the evil that faces us like a devil and that each of us carries within him.
Also these interviews:
Gehlen, Liss and Jens Heisterkamp, Bin Laden, Dostoevsky, and the Reality Principle: an Interview with Andre Glucksmann, Info 3 (March 2003) (5 pages, pdf)

Restan, Jose Luis and David Blazquez, "Terrorist Nihilism and the Crisis of the West: Interview with Andre Glucksmann" Traces (June 2004

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